Mississippi River Suite-Part II (video)

Here is Part II of the Mississippi River Suite. These will be coming out once/week for the next 3 months with a new lyric-video from the new CD, Missississippi River Suite. The release date is June 1, but it is available for pre-order at michaeljmiles.bandcamp.com.

This is such an overpowering time in the world. I read in the last 24 hours that over 2000 former officials of the Justice Dept have signed a letter calling for the ouster of William Barr, and for him to censured by Congress. That comes from Heather Cox Richardson who writes a brilliant daily blog.

I also read that hummingbirds actually weigh 1/10 of an ounce, and some of the brave ones actually migrate from the Yucatan Peninsula, hundreds and hundreds of miles across the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico, to get to America.

And group names of birds—there is a flock of geese, a murder of crows but a group of owls is called a Parliament! Somehow the extraordinary world of birds, much of which I learn from wife Nina who works as a volunteer rescuing wounded birds in Chicago, provides this glimmer of beauty against the backdrop of filth from the White House that pollutes our skies. Onward.